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SUS managers, workers and users take part in an introductory conference on rural health

SUS managers, workers and users take part in an introductory conference on rural health

The Pre-District Health Conference took place in Manaus Rural District on Monday 13/3, with 100 participants representing sectors of managers, workers and users of the Unified Health System (SUS).

The program, organized by the Municipal Health Council (CMS / Manaus) and the City of Manaus, through the Municipal Health Secretariat (Semsa), took place in the auditorium of the Western Health Complex, Santos-Dumont Complex, Paz District (West Region), and started the series of introductory conferences for the five regions , which will be promoted throughout this week.

During the preparatory conference, the President of CMS / Manaus, Chancellor Lindomar Barone de Souza, highlighted that the preparatory conferences represent the preparatory stage for the 9th Municipal Health Congress (9th Comus), to be held between 20 and 23 / 3, ensuring the participation of representatives of social control in rural areas, North and west, east and south of Manaus.

“It is a moment of discussion in which an organized civil society can, in a democratic space, discuss the health problems of the city of Manaus, and prepare proposals for the multi-year health plan 2025-2028. It is also a time when it is possible to listen to the demands of the population and prepare the proposals that will be presented in the ninth como, ”he explained. Lindomar Souza.

Undersecretary of the Department of Health in Simsa, Chancellor Djalma Coelho, emphasized the importance of preparatory conferences as a means of extending the discussion time and qualifying the debate on health issues in Manaus, as they allow the participation of communities in rural areas. and in the four metropolitan areas of Manaus.

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“Preliminary conferences precede the Comus and help prepare and qualify for the discussion that will take place in the municipal conference. They represent a space for dialogue on public policies in the field of health, with popular participation, which will be very important for the municipal health plan itself, so that the decision-making process and the implementation of measures meet the wishes of the population ” he said. .. Delma Coelho.


The Rural Health District (DESA) pre-conference program included a panel on the theme “Ensuring Rights and Defending SUS, Life and Democracy – Tomorrow Will Be Another Day”, as well as four thematic themes: The Brazil We Have. the brazil we want; the role of social control and social movements in saving lives; guarantee rights and defend SUS, life and democracy; And tomorrow will be another day for everyone, for everyone.

One of the panelists was Dr. Nicholas Esteban Castro-Hoffmann, a Collective Health physician working for the Basic Rural Health Unit (UBSR) São Pedro (km – 35 am – 010). With 13 years of experience in UBSR, the doctor explained that the presentation is a way to address issues that stimulate discussion among the participants.

“I think SUS has this revolutionary quality, which is getting people talking about health services, with the user making their demands and the workers, managers and service providers laying out their issues. It’s a space that needs to be valued and involved in building our SUS. Our role as speakers is to help with the discussion, put forward questions, so that people can then speak based on the discussions,” Nicolas Esteban explained.

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According to Disa Rural Administrator Rubens Santos, in Rural Manaus there are seven Local Health Boards (CLSs), linked to seven health units, engaged in social control from representatives of managers, workers and SUS users.

“This is the first introductory health conference in the region dedicated to the rural area, as it was previously held with the urban area. Therefore, it is a very valuable moment, it shows the process of strengthening SUS. The role of social control was important for the administration because it guides the demands of the communities in Disease prevention and health promotion and protection.

For Chancellor Hellyngton de Moura, Rural Terrestrial Users Representative in Manaus, holding the first introductory conference exclusively for the Rural District is a step forward for social control.

“Everything in the rural area is more difficult, access, infrastructure, the preliminary conference is important because it is an opportunity for us to come up with ideas and proposals for the municipal conference and also on the national stage, to show the reality of the rural area to the community as a whole,” the consultant highlighted.

Introductory conferences

Pre-District Conferences will continue this Tuesday, 3/14, with a Disa Leste schedule, at the Aníbal Beça Cultural Center, Avenida Autaz Mirim, No. 9.018, Novo Alexo, from 7 am to 5 pm. On Wednesday, March 15, the Preparatory Conference for Disa Oeste will take place, from 7 am to 5 pm, at the Universidade Paulista (Unip), on Avenida Mário Ypiranga, Parque 10 de Novembro. Also at Unip, this Thursday, 3/16, will be the Disa Sul Introductory Conference, 7am-5pm.

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The Disa Norte program will take place at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at Avenida Salvio Bellota, No. 333, in the Novo Alexo neighborhood, on Friday, 3/17.

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text – Eurivania Galúcio/Semsa

filming – Henrique Souza / SMSA