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Spring barley harvest progress in England

Spring barley harvest progress in England

Rain delays the process in the north

Photo: Canva

According to the JRC MARS Bulletin, the European Crop Monitoring Bulletin for September, published by the Publications Service of the European Union, weather conditions in the UK are favorable for the development of spring crops and harvest is underway. However, intermittent rain has caused delays in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

During the period analysed, temperatures remained in line with the long-term average (LTA) in most parts of England, with the exception of the south-east, where up to 6°C above average was recorded. Rainfall was also erratic: in the south-east, rainfall was half the average, while in southern Scotland it was significantly higher. Elsewhere in the country, rainfall was as expected.

The mild climate and regular rainfall allowed the crops to ripen and dry properly, facilitating the work of agricultural machinery and reducing the impact on the soil. However, the harvest of winter crops, which was expected to end in the first week of September, was affected by rain in Scotland and Northern Ireland, which also affected spring barley in those areas.

Despite these setbacks, yield forecasts for spring barley remain positive, estimated at 5% above the five-year average. In contrast, winter crops are expected to register yields of 5 to 7% above the five-year average, reflecting the effects of varying climates in different parts of the country.

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