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Smiles has national tickets starting at 5,500 miles

Smiles has national tickets starting at 5,500 miles

associated with The first Joule exhibition of 2023Smiles released flight tickets National upgrades for some routes with values ​​starting at 5,500 miles each way, plus taxes. Offer valid until 10:00 am on 01/16 for travel between February and June 2023 (excluding holidays and memorial dates).

Client Smiles Club Diamonds still get an additional discount and those who pay with Gol Smiles cards still receive milesback which reduces the value of the issue.

Flight tickets with SMILE miles

Lowest fares for flights from Uberaba and Araçatuba to Sao Paulo for 5,500 and 5,900 miles, respectively. But it must be so power And Brasilia to savior For a distance of 8400 miles and from Belo Horizonte to Christmas for 10,400 miles. Values ​​per part and with taxes included.

Here are some examples we found:

On other routes, the prices were too expensive and unattractive. By the way, I’ve noticed a general increase in the values ​​the program has been practicing lately. On some of the extensions I research frequently, the average amount charged has gone up a lot. Smiles, the program I use frequently for domestic tickets, has lost ground to Latam Pass due to pricing. And did you notice this increase as well? Comment and share.

Don’t have SMILE Miles? a look: Feirão da Gol has national tickets starting at R$235 round trip.

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