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Sinpete 2023 began today with over ten thousand students expected – Federal University of Alagoas

Sinpete 2023 began today with over ten thousand students expected – Federal University of Alagoas

About 230 municipal, state and private public schools in Alagoas. More than ten thousand basic education students participate in scientific activities or experiments and visit the Federal University of Alagoas (Uval). The numbers are large and represent the growth of the second edition of the Inter-institutional Week for Research, Technology and Innovation in Basic Education (Sinpete), an event that began today (16) and continues until next Friday (20) with lectures, workshops, short courses and visits, that is, with the participation of many Science in an educational and engaging way. Program details can be found here. There is still time to register and participate.

“It is a pleasure to welcome you to the second edition of Sinpete. Oval is honored to promote and host this very important meeting between basic education and higher education, in a dialogue between school and university. “It is an initiative aimed at promoting, disseminating and popularizing science at the school level,” she explained. Vera Pontis, teacher at Oval University and general coordinator of the event, speaking to attendees at the opening ceremony, which was held on Wednesday morning, in the Rectory Hall.

Student Angelo Alessandro dos Santos, from Escola Estadual Professor Loureiro, who is in Murici, reinforces the importance of the initiative by telling a little about his experience. He participated in last year’s edition and highlighted what a rewarding moment it was. “Participating in Sinpete is different, we are breaking out of the same old ways. We present our projects and learn from each other,” says the young man who is in his second year of high school and wants to join Ovale on the nursing course.

His schoolmate, Annie Grazelie dos Santos, is in her first year of high school and is participating for the first time. They both registered to present their work in the Innovative Ideas Competition, an initiative that encourages students to think of solutions to ensure the sustainability of the community in which they work. Annie Buska’s idea aims to reuse water from school air conditioners. “This water is actually being disposed of. We want to reuse it to irrigate the school garden, which is currently done manually.”

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It’s Annie’s first time visiting the Oval and she’s making no secret of the program she’ll be able to enjoy all week. “Everything here is new for me. I expect a lot of learning, right? We hope that we can achieve unity between the class and the schools so that we can implement the project well,” she said. In addition to bringing scientific work closer to basic education students, Sinpete will also end up being The first opportunity for many students to get to know the Ufal space. This was also the case with María Clara Soares, a student at the Morrissey Campus of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Ufal). “I am very excited to be here to get to know the Ufal. “I will be submitting a work in the Innovative Ideas competition on creating biodegradable films from plant starch extracted from jackfruit seeds,” she says.

Science of basic education

Talking, thinking, and doing science and presenting the activity in an accessible and interesting way is one of Sinpete’s passions. This goal has been achieved, said Physics Professor Nelson da Silva Nunes, from Escola Estadual Professor Loureiro. He was present at the first edition, participated again this year, and says he has already identified positive outcomes of student participation in the actions promoted by the event.

“Last year, I started a natural sciences group at school with five students. Today, we already have about 20. And this, after the event, and after this scientific publication that we have been providing and which tends to increase, only brings science into the classroom.” , to awaken the students’ curiosity. The students found this experience enriching, and it was something completely new for them. He stressed that this is very good.

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The professor was surprised by Senbet’s growth. “We are aware that the matter has taken different dimensions. The organization is to be congratulated. The students are very happy and the expectations are the best possible,” he said.

Professor Danielle Tavares, of Eval Morrissey, also spoke of the students’ enthusiasm. “The students are very excited, because this is a unique moment for their education. They already have this experience of working, researching and mentoring. Here, they will be able to present these proposals that they have thought of exclusively to Synpete.”

opening ceremony

The second edition of Sinpete was inaugurated on Monday (16) morning and was attended by the Rector of the University of Ovale, Joseldo Tonholo, Vice-Rector Elian Cavalcanti, Vice-Rectors of University Courses (Prograd), Amore Paros. extension (proex), Cesare Nonato; Research and postgraduate studies (Probe), Iraeldis Assuncao; Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation (sectarian)sthereLivio PaulaHeyaccord. Eval Dean of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Innovation (PRPPI), Eunice Palmeira da Silva; Dean of University Studies at Alagoas State University (abnormal)Adeniz Costa Ascioli; to Mayor of Undimi Alagoas, Djalma Barros; Director of the Center of Excellence in Social Technologies (Nees), Professor Alan Pedro; It’s from Fapeal CEO, Fabio Guedes, Who delivered the inaugural conference.

Vera Pontes, when commenting on the numbers indicating the growth of the 2023 edition, emphasized that this was possible due to the participation of the central management of Oval and its partners. “Sinpete has been absorbed as an important expansion tool. It is a huge project that seeks to bring science to the municipalities of Alagoas, from the coast to Sertão, and has the support of the partners involved. I thank Tonholo and Elian for their commitment and effort for believing in this project to promote higher education through basic education,” she said.

The Inter-Institutional Week for Research, Technology and Innovation in Basic Education (Sinpete) is an interdisciplinary project for the popularization and dissemination of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I). The event is managed by the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), in collaboration with the Federal Institute of Alagoas (UFAL), the State University of Alagoas (UNIL), the Alagoas State University of Health Sciences (Uncisal), the Secretariat of the State of Education of Alagoas (Seduc-AL) and the Foundation Supporting research in the state of Alagoas (FABEL), in an important partnership with the Center of Excellence in Social Technologies (NEES) in Oval.

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secretary sectarian, Silvio Paulhus emphasized the importance of investing in science. “We believe in and defend science as a vector of development. The impact of an event like this on the lives of our students is enough to stimulate and transform their lives, allowing them to see a new, more promising future.”

Professor Denis Costa also enhanced the educational nature of the event by allowing basic education students to “enter the world of science.” Professor Alan Pedro noted that Sinpete enhances everything Ufal has already contributed to basic education in the country. “The textbooks used in public schools across the country are based on the work done by Oval,” the teacher stressed. Eunice Palmeira emphasized that the event represents “the promotion of the future and the advancement of science with a focus on the country’s sustainability.”

Dean Joseldo Tonholo thanked the commitment of the entire Sinpete organizing team, the support of partners in its implementation, and when he congratulated the teachers on the passing of Teachers’ Day, celebrated on October 15, he praised the work of basic education teachers. “You are responsible for training every student to think about building a much better future for Alagoas,” he said.

To learn more about Sinpete and learn how to register, visit the website. Also visit the page and Instagram @sinpete.2023.