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Sinop Teens Take Part in a Science and Technology Project at UFMT – News

Sinop Teens Take Part in a Science and Technology Project at UFMT – News

A partnership between the Center for Social and Educational Work of Sinop (KISS) (480 km from Cuiaba) and the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Campus Sinop, offers the opportunity for adolescents who adhere to social and educational measures in the unit, interacting with activities aimed at teaching science and technology .

The project is called “The Intersection of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Current World” and aims to educate adolescents about the evolution of ways of thinking and behavior that contribute to the rebuilding of knowledge about science and technology, which is constantly evolving.

The activities aim to contribute to the formation of citizens who are able to work for a better quality of life and the preservation of nature. The trainees’ contribution will be in making the “Amigurumis”, represented by Fauna Pantaneira, as well as in recording an instructional video, instructing and narrating the method of making them.

During the activities, young people will share experiences with team members working with the Graduate Program in Natural Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPGECM) at UFMT, who will analyze the development of trainees during the applied activities. The final result will be published in the students’ thesis defense.

The two teens participating in the project will receive a UFMT-funded scholarship. Case manager Noem Neves Almeida highlighted the importance of the initiative as an opportunity for young people. “It is necessary to provide an environment of opportunity, because in this way they can gain experience and even a source of income,” he noted.

The project was implemented in September of this year and was developed by academics, professors from UFMT, technical team, director and security agents of the Pedagogical Social System.

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