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Simon Mendes returns to talk about the duo’s breakup with Cemaria: “I can’t look the other way anymore.”

Simon Mendes returns to talk about the duo’s breakup with Cemaria: “I can’t look the other way anymore.”

Singer Simone Mendes, sister of Simaria Mendes, spoke again, today, Saturday (15), about the separation of the duo, which lasted nearly 30 years. to Classmates left To be a duo in August 2022. At that time, they became coaches on The Voice Kids and topped the hit charts in country music.

This will be on Saturday (15) in the Horus program. Simone Mendes You talked about the end of the partnership.

“Now I can’t look away anymore. There’s no more. Just now. For God’s sake,” Simon joked.

The singer, who was also one of the attractions of the second night of the third stage of Pedro Leopoldo’s Circuito Sertanejo, was in Greater Bosnia and Herzegovina, accompanied by the great country duos, such as Chitauzinho and Xororó and Marcos and Belotti.

Simone also spoke about the ins and outs of the breakup and how she’s coped with her solo career. The singer said that the fact that they sang and shared the songs, without having a first or second voice, was a facilitating factor when the duet ended.

“Semaria sang, I sang. One of them sang alone and the other sang alone. In this sense it was easier for me. It was easier to move forward in my career,” she concluded.

Individual career

Simon has continued his solo career and has already achieved many successes Records on platforms flow. She released the DVD “Cintilante (Ao Vivo)” which includes the song “Erro Gostoso”. The song has already amassed over 245 million plays on Spotify alone.

On the other hand, Simaria is enjoying her life with her children and has only performed one solo show during this period. “She didn’t want to continue singing, she’s very happy that way. She’s with her children, which is something she really wanted,” Simone explained when launching her solo career on the Luciano Hack show, on Globo.

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Taking part in the PodCats podcast, Simone has already revealed that the duo between her and Simaria really has no turning back. The artist explained: “The truth today, for me and my sister, is that the cycle has ended.”