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Should I use it or get rid of it?

Should I use it or get rid of it?

Anvisa decided on Monday (27) to suspend the manufacture, sale, distribution and use of all products in Fujini’s inventory, on a precautionary basis, following the disclosure of defects at the company’s Monte Alto (SP) plant.

What are the prohibited products?

Hanger for all Fugini products in stock, selling tomato sauce, canned vegetables, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, etc.

“Serious defects” in the manufacture of the products were found during a sanitary inspection at the company’s factory, according to Anvisa. In addition to hygiene issues, there are deficiencies in quality control and safety of raw materials and pest control.

Eat or play outside?

Although failure can harm the food, no harmful substances have been identified in the food. However, Anvisa’s decision speaks of a ban on use – therefore, it is recommended to throw away the products. The ingredient that requires more attention is mayonnaise.

What is mayonnaise?

With regard to mayonnaise, the suspect is the use of an expired raw material in the manufacture of the product, which makes it unfit for consumption, according to Anvisa. Unlike other products in stock, mayonnaise will be collected. Consumers and organizations that have the product should contact the company.

Which batches of mayonnaise are these?

  • Produced between 12/20/2022 and 3/21/2023 in Monte Alto (SP)
  • Due in January, February or March 2024
  • Ends in December 2023 and numbering starts from 354

What do Anvisa and Fugini say

In a note published yesterday on social networks, Fujini said that goods offered for sale, or already purchased, are safe and available for consumption. However, Anvisa does not recommend the consumption.

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According to the brand, an inspection of the Monte Alto plant by the health agency led to an order to change some internal processes and procedures. They were already done.

Fujini noted that there are no payments with recalls and that “marketing and consumption of products follow naturally at retail points of sale.” The company also noted that over its 25 years of activity, no payment has ever been retained due to recall problems.

To clarify doubts or additional information, the company said it made itself available to consumers through service channels and on the phone number 0800 702 4337.

The manufacturing suspension is in effect until the company adjusts to its product manufacturing process.