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Shocking science predictions for the future of the universe

Shocking science predictions for the future of the universe

There are many mysteries in the universe that remain unsolved to this day, but one of the biggest is how it will end. About this great mystery, the famous YouTuber Melodysheep produced the video “Future Timelapse: A Journey to the End of Times”, based on scientific research that addresses the fundamental questions of humanity: What will the future be like and how will the universe reach the end of the world? end.

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The conditions that we have understood as humans for hundreds of years are changing. It is true that humans have gone through many cultural and existential changes throughout history, but as the universe continues to age, the very structure of our world is changing irreversibly.

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magnetic field One of the biggest changes will occur in Earth’s magnetic field, the invisible barrier that protects the planet from solar flares and debris. It will reverse itself in the next thousand years (in fact, it is already overdue). When that happens, the Earth will be without a protective magnetic field for centuries.

Sea level – About three thousand years from now, our planet will see a sharp rise in sea levels as the Earth warms. If our species were still alive, entire cities would be buried under water and the face of our world would be changed forever.

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asteroid -At some point within the next 10,000 years, it is (statistically) expected that a large asteroid will collide with the planet, causing mass destruction.

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Sahara Desert The Earth goes through a cycle every 41,000 years in which the planet’s tilt changes by approximately two degrees. This change has a radical impact on the world’s climate, especially in the Sahara Desert. The Sahara is expected to become tropical when the planet changes again in the next 15,000 years.

Horoscopes – About 20,000 years from now, the night sky will look very different than it does today. In fact, the constellations as we know them will wander around the universe, changing the arrangement of the stars forever.

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Interglacial period Approximately every 100,000 years, the world is dominated by an ice age that causes global temperatures to drop dramatically. The period between ice ages (when the climate is warmer) is known as the interglacial period. We currently live in such an era, but in about 60 thousand years it will end.

Star Betelgeuse – At the same time as an ice age takes hold of the planet, the red giant star known as Betelgeuse will consume all its fuel and explode as a supernova. The star is part of the Orion constellation and is the tenth brightest in the night sky.

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Antar star – In the next million years, the star Antares (the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio) will explode in a supernova. Antares is a massive red giant star, 700 times larger than the Sun, and when it explodes, it will be as bright as the Moon on a clear day.

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Mars Phobos, one of Mars’ moons, will disintegrate in about 70 million years, and the debris will become a group of rings surrounding the red planet.

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The sun -When the sun runs out of fuel, it will not disappear. Instead, its core will collapse and expand, becoming a red giant star. This will destroy the Earth and all life on it. After a few billion years, the Sun will turn into a white dwarf star, a dense, cold star that emits faint light due to the residual heat from its extinguished flame.

Dive into the dark – Just like the sun, all the stars in the universe will have a similar fate. As their fuel reserves run out, they will die and the universe will slowly sink into darkness, illuminated only by the dim brilliance of white dwarf stars. The last stars will die in about 40 trillion years.

Black holes – In about 20 quadrillion years (that is, 20 followed by 16 zeros), black holes will consume the matter spread throughout the universe. All future alien civilizations will have to rely on black holes as their ultimate source of energy.

Decomposition of atoms – In about one year (one with 36 zeros), the atoms themselves will begin to decay, and all remaining matter in the universe will be destroyed. At that moment, there will be no matter in the universe, and all that will remain are light particles and black holes. Thus begins the era of black holes.

Source: Smithsonian Magazine; Space.com; YouTube; Britannica. National Geographic; And the Natural History Museum.

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