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She-Hulk: Tatiana Maslany ‘invites herself’ to star in another hero series: ‘Keep on letting me go’

She-Hulk: Tatiana Maslany ‘invites herself’ to star in another hero series: ‘Keep on letting me go’


The protagonist, who was as successful as Jennifer Walters, is eager to participate in other Marvel Studios projects

Photo: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney
Photo: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney

After a season of ups and downs, Strong woman She managed to achieve a good ending and was praised by fans. The series follows a story Jennifer Walters Tatiana Maslany, who is trying to reconcile her life as a lawyer with the new superpower inherited by her cousin, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo). Even without many action scenes, the production broke records in Disney +.

Tatianauntil he revealed his desire to appear in Daredevil: Born Againa new series of Demoliser in Charlie Cox: “All he says (when texting) is ‘We’ll tell you (if you’re supposed to come) at lunch’, but he keeps knocking me out. I’m waiting outside the set in my She-Hulk costume, so just wear me.”.

Charlie Cox reveals his relationship with Tatiana Maslany

The relationship between not shiny And the Gene, which is built over the course of Episode VIII, goes well beyond superhero clichés. Lawyer also, before appearing as DemoliserShe has a long conversation with the heroine in the bar. In an interview with the Brazilian website CinePopthe actor Charlie Cox Reveal chemistry with Tatiana It was intense and fun, which led to great performances.

“Tatiana is a great actress and the chemistry between us was so much fun. It allowed me to play this character a little differently, with a different tone, fun, rude, and provocative in a way that wasn’t possible on our show. At She-Hulk, we can try a lighter, more fun style.”He said Charlie.

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