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Share a Netflix account?  The UK government says this is illegal

Share a Netflix account? The UK government says this is illegal

Netflix’s battle over account sharing has been getting tougher over the past few months. Since the loss of income is directly related to this practice, it is clear that there must be alternatives and that it must be stopped as soon as possible.

For this, many steps were taken, but unexpected support has now arrived. The UK government has assessed this practice and confirmed that there are a number of circumstances in which it may be considered illegal.

Netflix is ​​sharing an illegal account

The UK government's Intellectual Property Office (IPO) warned of this situation, and many people are already aware of it. Although common practice in most markets, Netflix account sharing can be considered illegal for a number of reasons.

In that information Will be given, mostly copyright infringement situations are presented. Accessing these contents without any payment may be considered a legal problem and may be punishable by law.

There are several provisions in criminal and civil law that can be applied in the case of password sharing, where the user is required to allow access to copyrighted works without payment.

These provisions may include breach of contract terms, fraud or minor copyright infringement depending on the circumstances.

Where such provisions are provided in civil law, it is the service provider's responsibility to approach the court if necessary.

It is important to point out that these measures only apply to sharing of Netflix accounts by users outside the same address. If it is in the same place, this partition can be done without any related legal problem.

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Netflix is ​​sharing an illegal account

This practice is the reason why Netflix offers its programming based on advertisement and it is cheap. It has some well-known limitations, some content becomes inaccessible to users, and the quality is low.

There is no data yet to prove that this new Netflix option might be perfect and that it will lead to a decrease in account sharing. Many don't see an advantage in switching, and don't equate subscribing to the service on their own account, which throws the streaming service's plans into the ground.