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Shaman plays himself in the remake of Renascer;  look at the picture

Shaman plays himself in the remake of Renascer; look at the picture

One scene from the next chapter that premiered on Monday (26) left Renascer viewers speechless on social media. The Globo soap opera aired at 9 a.m. an excerpt from the sequence in which Damiao, played by singer Xamão, swims completely naked in the river. “Shaman’s ass in prime time,” wrote a profile on X (formerly Twitter).

Hired to kill José Inocencio (Marcos Palmeira), the stranger begins to change his mind after meeting Retinha (Mel Mozilo). They even starred in a very hot scene where they kissed – right under the whiskers of her father, Chico (Mac Swara).

The end of the episode surprised netizens with their expectation that Xamä, who made his debut in Bruno Leberi's series, will go further in Tuesday's (27) episode.

Damiao appeared, from afar, jumping completely naked into the river right in front of Retinya. “Mercy, will there be a Xamä ass in the series?” asked a profile identified as Acopalíptico on X.

“Oh my god, the shaman's ass. Brazil is going crazy,” Feige added. Lucas Lima added: “Tomorrow we will show Xamão’s ass on TV, thank you Bruno Loberi.”

“The shaman’s ass on my screen was the sight I didn’t know I needed to see,” La joked. “Tomorrow we'll have a shaman's ass in prime time? Is that so?” Rosita asked.

look at the picture

Reproduction/TV Globo

Renascer was written and created by author Benedito Ruy Barbosa. The first version was broadcast on Globo in 1993. Bruno Leberi is the novelist's grandson and is responsible for the adaptation of the rural saga that premiered in prime time in January. The new version should be replaced by a new plot by João Emmanuel Carneiro in September.

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