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Serra Saúde – ES 2024 Competition: Golden opportunities in the health sector!

Serra Saúde – ES 2024 Competition: Golden opportunities in the health sector!

The Serra Saúde 2024 competition notice has just been published and offers excellent opportunities for healthcare professionals in Espirito Santo. A variety of mid-level, technical and senior positions are available, promising to attract a large number of candidates.

The selection process, organized by IDCAP, offers attractive benefits, including salaries that can reach R$7,808.38, as well as food assistance. Registration will be open from July 1 to August 6, and participation fees range from R$65.00 to R$85.00.

How to participate in the Serra Saúde 2024 competition?

Public Health Competition in Maracaju: 65 vacancies with salaries ranging from R$ 2,100 to R$ 11,000!
Reproduction: Freebeak

If you are considering entering this competition, it is important that you are aware of this. Key dates. Registration begins next month, and the deadline for paying participation fees is August 7. Get ready, because the test is scheduled for September 8!

Who can register?

Available job categories

The selection process includes several positions at the following levels:

  • Intermediate/Technical Level: Oral Health Assistant, Nursing Technician, among others.
  • Level up: Nurse, doctor of various specialties, pharmacist, etc.

All specific details for each position, including salaries and working hours, can be found directly in the competition notice.

Stages of the Serra Saúde 2024 competition

The competition will consist of several evaluation stages that match the educational level required for each position. Check the selection below:

  • Objective test: Multiple choice questions for all candidates.
  • Rhetorical test: Only for senior positions, which consists of preparing an argumentative text for the thesis.
  • Titles test: Also exclusive to higher education candidates, assessing academic training and professional experience.
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The objective test is exclusionary and categorical in nature, and it is necessary to obtain at least 50% correct answers to continue the process.

Why consider this contest?

Investing in a public office is an important decision. Participation in the Serra Saúde-ES competition is among the most promising options, especially because of the job stability and attractive benefits plan. Furthermore, different job vacancies in different fields of health give many professionals the opportunity to enter public service, and contribute significantly to the local community.

Don’t miss this opportunity! arrive to Full notice available Online to understand all the requirements and prepare accordingly. Good luck to all the candidates!