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Sergipe Government and IFS Promote Lecture Course in Government Schools to Encourage More Women in Science – FaxAju

Sergipe Government and IFS Promote Lecture Course in Government Schools to Encourage More Women in Science – FaxAju

This initiative is part of the actions that will be developed by SPM during the month of March, when International Women’s Day is celebrated.

In partnership with the Federal Institute of Sergipe (IFS), the Secretariat for Women’s Policies (SPM) promoted, this Thursday, 2, a lecture “Women in Science”, for students and professors of the Athena Sergipe Center of Excellence, in Aracaju. . The lecture had already been given on Wednesday, the first, at the General Calazance Government School, in Nossa Senhora das Durres.

This initiative is part of the actions that will be developed by SPM during the month of March, when International Women’s Day is celebrated. The lecture discussed women’s performance in the scientific environment and highlighted the possibilities of expanding their presence in scientific professions.

“The intention is to show that the place of women is wherever they want, including in the sciences. In addition to the lectures, which will be transferred to other municipalities, the IFS partnership with SPM also has another project related to girls and women in science, with the aim of training and qualifying teachers so that they can Transfer the topic to the classroom.”, said Director of the Council for Productive Inclusion and Women’s Entrepreneurship at SPM, Cemil Conceicao.

The lectures are given by IFS Professor of Physics, Dr. Hestia Lima, who addressed the topic “The Place of Girls and Women in Science and Wherever They Want It”. “The idea is to make them understand that they can pursue a career in the sciences, such as physics, chemistry and engineering. We talk about women who have worked and worked in these fields, and bring representation so they can see themselves in science. The partnership with SPM is essential for logistics that can cover more schools,” the teacher explained.

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For Athens student Maria Klara, 15, in Sergibense, lectures like this are very important to encourage more women in science. “Most people, when they hear about science, that is, scientists, always refer to a man and not a woman, they only remember the famous male scientists and the participation of women is ignored. But most of the ideas came from the collaboration of a woman or a woman. The lecture was very helpful for us to introduce this,” she explained. Meditation, where women can occupy the places they want.

Student Lavinia Santana, 16, confirmed that the men’s participation in the lecture was also necessary. “So that they don’t have an archaic view of the spaces that women can occupy. A woman’s place is not just in the kitchen, in the home to take care of the children. Women can be scientists, they can be everything. And this idea needs to be discussed, especially in schools, because it opens up It reminded many young people that women need to be represented and valued in the sciences as well,” he emphasized.

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