The Scientific Incentives Award for Entrepreneurship will qualify research productions at the Dom Jovencio de Brito Center of Excellence
The school is a reference in Sergipe’s Alto Sertão in the production of scholarly works and a catalyst for scholarly initiation
The scientific projects developed at the Dom Juvêncio de Brito Center of Excellence, located in Canindé do São Francisco, Alto Sertão Sergipe, continue to yield good results. On Tuesday, the 28th, the school unit received 2,987 items that would make up the old laboratory, as part of the Prize for Scientific Entrepreneurship Incentives (PIC), awarded by Benv 360⁰ and the multinational group Ambipar.
The laboratory organisms budgeted in the amount of R$ 58,661.68 will be used in the daily life of the School as a means of further qualifying the production and incentive for scientific initiation developed in the School. The set includes: test tubes, pipettes, beaker funnels, beakers, crucibles, tweezers, balances, microscopes, among other utensils, that is, complete items for a professional laboratory make-up.
To be awarded, Sergipe State School has entered seven projects and has emerged as a Brazilian educational unit that adds scientific production and entrepreneurship to the school calendar. “It gives us great pleasure to see our school receive an award, with a large donation of equipment valued at more than R$50,000. It is the result of the work of a team of professors who believe in science, research and the education of our students,” highlights Coordinator Rúbia Virginia de Albuquerque.
The projects presented by Professors Lark Soany Santos and Alex Alves Cordeiro were distinguished: Farma-Sertão, Lactaneja – Bebida Láctea Sertaneja, ADP – First Aid Anxiety, TrioCrim – Three herbal medicines based on rosemary, La Hútan Cosmétique and Cicatricamp; All of them with the proposal to develop medicines and cosmetics using scientific knowledge with the intervention of the folk culture of the Sergipe hinterland.
“We submitted as many projects as we could and achieved what we wanted: the old laboratory. We were successful not only in getting these awards, but as Science Promotion Foundation of the Year,” explained Lark Swaney, professor and researcher at the unit.
This award is an award aimed at recognizing the scientific work of students from the first grade of elementary school to the fourth year of high school and evaluating three artistic categories (New Reality, Bright Future, and Circular Awareness), and also recognizing the inspiring teacher, Foundation Award of the Year, Scientific Grove and Journalist of the Year .
The Dom Jovincio de Brito Center of Excellence has also excelled at science fairs and events in the country. From March 20 to 24, on the campus of the University of the South Pacific, in São Paulo, the TrioCrim project was presented at the Brazilian Science and Engineering Fair (Febrace), one of the largest fairs and talent programs in science and engineering that encourages scientific culture, knowledge, investigative knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship. Youth and basic and technical education teachers in Brazil. The school has returned with a passport to participate in the Science, Technology and Engineering Exhibition (Mocitepial), to be held in Arapiraca, Alagoas.
Professor Lark Sane has been named among the ten finalists for the Professor Highlight Award – Febrace 2023, competing with professionals from across the country. Also participating in the exhibition was the project “Coconut Straw Paper Ecobags”, prepared by the Colégio Estadual Dom Juvêncio de Brito, Umbaúba, under the guidance of Professor Darcylaine Martins and developed by students Ellen Santos Guimarães, Iulânia Firmino dos Santos and Sofhia Gabrielly Araújo Santana.
Spray youth league challenge
The Dom Jovencio de Brito Center of Excellence also recently participated, in São Paulo, in the Young Sebrae League Challenge with three registered projects: EVAS application, AuTech application and Farma-Sertão.
The AuTech application produced by students Agda Maria Pereira dos Santos, Leila Maria Lisboa da Silva, Theresa Darly da Silva Pedro, Lavínia Noelly Santos Araújo and Eloisa Alves Vieira Santos, under the guidance of teacher Rubnigna de Oliveira, finished the challenge between the 20 teams from the 1,200+ registered teams from all over Brazil. The AuTech team has developed an app prototype that aims to act as a support and integration network between professionals and families of children with autism.
The EVAS App team of students Beatriz de Almeida, Maria Clara Vítor and Pedro Gabriel de Menezes, led by Professor Luiz Jafer dos Santos Paes, was among the 100 semi-finalists in the challenge. The EVAS Enforcement Team found that Sergipe State has increasing numbers of protection measures in favor of abused women. In compliance with – among other things – female vulnerability – students have developed an application to empower women and help them in other aspects, such as: training courses, workshops and support network with active listening.
The Farma-Sertão team, represented by students Erisandra de Albuquerque Silva and Ana Sophia Bezerra and under the guidance of Professor of Chemistry Lark Soany Santos, transforms popular knowledge into scientific knowledge, through projects aimed at producing natural medicines based on herbs and medicinal plants cultivated in the region to produce Low cost herbal medicine. The team also appeared among the 100 semi-finalists of the Sebrae Young League competition, and the team presented an e-commerce prototype for the sale of herbal medicines developed within the scope of the project, as well as the sale of seedlings of medicinal plants and training workshops for the use of herbal medicines.
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