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Segovenia plays the ball: Botafogo coach reveals he ‘made an English version to pass on to John Textor’

Segovenia plays the ball: Botafogo coach reveals he ‘made an English version to pass on to John Textor’

wave Mathias Segovia He arrived with everything Botafogo. The striker was standing out on the pitch and making Alvinegra fans happy, especially with the hit “Segovinha, Ann, Ann”. Football Executive Director Andrei Mazzocco Detect that there is already a translation.

– They even made an English version to pass on to John (Textor): Segovinha plays ball. This review is very cool, just like Tiquinho. In football, little is celebrated, and victories are a relief. We have to enjoy the moment, which is good. In bad times we have to be resilient. A good moment that we should really enjoy, it’s good for the player, the family and the fans. They deserve it, everyone works, cares, is exposed. They have to enjoy this moment, they deserve it. The music is exciting – highlighted by Mazzuco, live on “UOL Esporte”.

Segovinha arrived in Botafogo this year, signing for Guarani (PAR).

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