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See pictures of the devastation caused by earthquakes in Japan

See pictures of the devastation caused by earthquakes in Japan

The country warned of the possibility of a tsunami due to earthquakes. Russia, North and South Korea also issued warnings

A series of earthquakes struck Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, on Monday (January 1, 2024). According to what the Japanese Meteorological Agency reported on the public channel NHKThe largest earthquake was 7.6 magnitude. Hey US Geological Surveyfrom USA, says strength 7.5.

After the earthquakes, the authorities issued warnings to… “Great tsunami” In the regions of Niigata, Toyama, Yamagata, Fukui, Hyogo and other locations along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, in addition to Japan, Russia, North Korea and South Korea also issued tsunami warnings, according to the news agency. Reuters.

In photos posted on social media and in the local press, cracked streets and destroyed homes can be seen. Eyewitnesses also filmed the moment the earthquake occurred from inside the facilities.

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