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See payment dates and who receives

See payment dates and who receives

Image: Disclosure

About 23 million people who worked on an official contract in 2021 will be able to withdraw salary allowance from February to July next year. The Consultative Board of the Workers’ Support Fund (Codefat) approved the calendar for the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Civil Servants Assets Training Program (Pasep) in 2023.

According to Codefat, the wage bonus for 2023 will be paid to 23.6 million workers across the country. Of this total, 21.4 million private sector workers will receive PIS and 2.2 million civil servants, civil servants and military personnel will be entitled to Pasep.

As is traditionally done, the payments will be divided into six payments, based on the month of birth, in the case of PIS, and on the final registration number, in the case of Pasep. The funds will be deposited on the lottery release dates and can be withdrawn until December 28, 2023. After this period, it will be necessary to wait for a special summons from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Who has the right?

Employees who have been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years and who have officially worked for at least 30 days in the base year considered for the calculation are entitled to this benefit, with an average monthly wage of up to a minimum wage. It is also necessary for the data to be properly reported by the employer in the annual social information (Rais) list.

The amount of the allowance is proportional to the period the employee worked under a formal contract in 2021. Each month of work equates to a benefit of R$108.50, with periods equal to or greater than 15 days counted as a full month. Those who have worked for 12 months with an official contract will receive the full minimum wage, which will be R$1,302 next year, according to a temporary measure released on Monday (12).

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See calendar

private companies

Photo: Reproduction/Agência Brasil

Public companies

Photo: Reproduction/Agência Brasil


Private initiative workers who have a current or savings account with Caixa will receive an automatic credit at the bank, according to their month of birth.

Other beneficiaries will receive the amounts through digital social savings, which can be transferred through the Caixa Tem app. If it is not possible to open a digital account, withdrawals can be made using the citizen’s card and password at self-service terminals, lottery outlets, Caixa Aqui or branches, also according to the payment calendar staggered by month of birth.

The Pasep allowance is paid by credit to an account for those who have an account or have savings at Banco do Brasil. Workers who are not BB account holders can make a transfer via TED to their own account via self-service terminals and the www.bb.com.br/pasep portal or at branch cash desks, upon presentation of an official identity document.

The allowance was not withdrawn

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security reports that 407,222 thousand workers have not yet withdrawn the 2020 salary bonus. Of this total, 123,409 correspond to the personal information system. and 283,813, to Pasep.

The unwithdrawn benefits of R$364.9 million remain in limbo. Funds can be withdrawn until December 29th. This year, deposits were made between February 8th and March 31st.

Until 2020, the salary bonus for the previous year was paid from July of the current year to June of the following year. In early 2021, Codefat complied with the recommendation of the Financial Controller General of the Union (CGU) and started depositing funds after only two years of working under an official contract.

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Source: Agência Brasil.