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See if you have one in your wallet

See if you have one in your wallet

Have you heard of money experts? This is the term that defines collectors of rare coins. And this time, they are looking for a very valuable R$1 coin. This is because it has an error that has limited its circulation. Do you know what it is? If not, find out below!

Any new printing of expensive bills and coins. In the event of a mistake, the damage is severe, as the circulation of funds is prevented. Because of this handicap, some copies are worth more than they should be. This is the case, for example, of the rare R$1 coin with the letter “P”. a look!

Find out what currency we are talking about. (Credit: jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br).

A rare R$1 coin that can be worth up to R$10,000

The fault is the detail that makes the coin “unique” and so valuable to numismatists. So much so, that it’s common to find collectors offering up to R$10,000 for a R$1 coin. It is, in fact, a lot of money, even if you consider the coin’s real value. Many who are not interested in collections may have one of these in their old piggy banks. For this reason, it is worth checking out!

It is a rare coin bearing the letter “P”, which should not have been put into circulation. If you find one of these, try offering the valuable coin to a collector.

According to the catalogs, the R$1 coin is undoubtedly one of the most sought after coins to date. But it is important to stress that at the time of purchase, collectors evaluate other factors. One of them, for example, is the quality of the metal, as well as the thickness of the coin and the preservation condition as a whole. And only then closes the value.

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So if you want to know how to identify a rare coin, see how simple it is: It has the letter “P” on the front, just below the word “Real.” It looks very discreet! So you have to look harder to notice. The error in question indicated that the R$1 coin was in the testing phase, which means “Proof of Coin.”

So, if you have a piggy bank at home, it doesn’t hurt to check if you are lucky enough to keep a rarity and make some good money.

See also: Precious Coins to Make Money in 2023: Do you have any?

How do you sell?

First of all, it is important to know that in order to sell old coins, you will need to do an appraisal of the coin’s value. The recommendation, in this case, is to look for a specialty shop – physical or virtual – or even money auction houses.

Brasil Moedas Leilões is one of the auction houses that operate virtually or virtually. On the site, there is the possibility of registering the currency and sending it for evaluation. Once this is done, the house notifies the value of the coin, and if it is of interest to the owner, it will be put up for sale. So, if you are interested in selling, visit: brasilmoedasleiloes.com.bs.

See more: The R$1.00 and R$0.50 coins can be much more than their official value: do you have any?