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See here how to secure your gas voucher!  Consultation by CPF

See here how to secure your gas voucher! Consultation by CPF

At the end of 2021, Brazilian society witnessed the creation of the Vale Gás Initiative, an initiative implemented by then President Jair Bolsonaro. The practical goal was to limit the impacts of the continuing increase in cooking gas prices, especially on low-income residents. Upon taking office, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva decided to continue the project, including as an addition to the Bolsa Familia program in March 2023.

This article aims to explain who can benefit and how to consult Vale Gás with CPF. Keep reading to absorb important details about this program whose primary mission is to help low-income families obtain cooking gas.

Who is eligible to receive the Vale Gás Scholarship in 2023?

See here how to secure your gas voucher!  Consultation by CPF

According to current legislation, the right to Vale Gás is granted to citizens suffering from social vulnerability. To be eligible, you must be registered in the Unified Register of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). Furthermore, per capita family income may not exceed half of the minimum wage. However, anyone who is already a beneficiary of BPC has the guaranteed right.

According to the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), as of August 2023, the initial value for those who register in the program is R$110.00. This amendment came as a result of Temporary Measure No. 1,155/2023, which granted an additional 50% to the original amount, making the assistance even more important for the beneficiary families.

How to check Vale Gás using CPF?

Vale Gás counseling can be done in several ways, one of which is through the CPF. Below are the steps for consultation on different platforms:

  • Through the Bolsa Familia application: After logging in, access the “Benefits” or “Premium View” option that contains information about payments.
  • Consultation through Caixa Tem: Inventory of movements bearing the abbreviation AUX GÁS to visualize the benefit situation.
  • Kadonico Consultation: Use registration data and find interest.
  • Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship: For specific questions, the contact number is 121.
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The body responsible for supervising the entire process is the Ministry of Citizenship.

What is the value of gas aid in 2023?

As mentioned earlier, the average benefit value is R$110.00. However, this value is subject to changes and adjustments, so it is important to stay up to date. It is a tool to provide significant assistance to Brazilian families who are socially vulnerable. In this way, these families can provide themselves with basic needs and thus promote the improvement of their quality of life.