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See all about the remaining quantity

See all about the remaining quantity

The Federal Revenue has opened consultations on the remaining installment of the income tax refund. More than 471 thousand subscribers will be covered. Is it your condition? The total value is up to R$880 million which is quite impressive. see how to discover On your own if you have dues and what are the next steps.

Read more: R$600 from Brazilian Income Tax Assistance: Do I need to authorize this?

If it is not clear, the remaining stakes include taxpayers who have fallen into the fine net and settled with Assad. Now that all the outstanding issues between the parties have been resolved, they receive value to reply.

The money will be released to citizens next Monday, the 31st.

lot left

As in other payments to refund Income taxThe remaining payments also follow the priority criterion to determine the transfer. Thus, a total amount of R$269.9 million will initially be paid to taxpayers with legal priority. These are the groups:

  • elderly people over 80 years old (6,483 people);
  • Shareholders between the ages of 60 and 79 (54,365 people);
  • Taxpayers with a physical or mental disability or serious illness (5516 people);
  • Taxpayers whose main source of income is teaching (23,070 people).

The data was released by tax authority. In addition to the above, 382,013 will receive the latest redemption payments, but outside the legal priority criterion. The money falls into the account indicated by each person during the income tax return. Another detail is that the value is corrected with the Selic rate accrued from the month following the delivery of the ad up to the month prior to payment, at 1% in the month of deposit.

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The query to see if it is in the remaining quantity can be made through the agency page. Simply click on “My Income Tax” and on “Back to Refund”. The taxpayer can also check through Request of revenue.

If the funds are not deposited, it will be necessary to request a refund within a period of up to one year through Banco do Brasil. You must access the BB page or contact the Relationship Center to reschedule the credit. The phone numbers are: 4004-0001 (capitals), 0800-729-0001 (other locations) and 0800-729-0088 (a special phone exclusively for the hearing impaired).