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See 7 factors that increase the risk of cancer in young people

See 7 factors that increase the risk of cancer in young people

with information from stadium

people with Under 50 years old It is more likely to develop cancer In the coming decades, according to a study by researchers at Harvard university.

This conclusion was defended in the article “Hey cancer Early start is a global epidemic Emerging? Current Evidence and Future ImplicationsPublished in the magazine Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology.

The search has been analyzed 14 types of cancer in 10 countriesbetween years 2002 and 2012.

The data found showed a alarming occurrence early diagnosis of cancer in adults and youtha situation that can lead to a ‘global epidemic’.

The number of deaths and new cases of cancer is increasing in the world:

Study developers found that exposure to foods Details revealed phenomenon carcinogens in risk To develop cancer.

>>> Here are 10 foods that can be harmful to your health.

The main cancer factors in young people

According to an article by researchers from Harvard And the analysis provided to stadium By medical professionals, the main reasons for the development of cancer In youth they are:

  1. bad food (Excessive consumption of fats, salt, red meat and spices)
  2. swallow Ultra-processed foods
  3. sedentary lifestyle
  4. Obesity and overweight
  5. Poor sleep hygiene
  6. consumption alcohol
  7. Frequent use of Antibiotics

Article author and researcher at Harvard Medical School, Tomotoka UgaiHe explained that the reasons for this phenomenon still exist Not clear.

“[As razões] It may be related to changes in Exposure to risk factorsTomotaka Ugai guessed.

Oncologist Bruno Velardi, of HC-USP, Mentioned that environmental factors, in particular food, Affect the cancer incidence at a younger age.

“We are Habits This change in population. It’s not one new food, but a lifestyle‘ The doctor warned.

Furthermore, Velardi stressed that it is still difficult to isolate a bachelor Worker responsible for the increased incidence cancer In this Age group.

Finally, the oncologist revealed that cancer tends to be more aggressive In patients with less than 50 years.

Bone Cancer: Understanding Osteosarcoma Bone Tumor:

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