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Scientists want to bring mammoths back to life before 2030; Meet “extinction”

Scientists want to bring mammoths back to life before 2030; Meet “extinction”

Reproduction / Phenomenal Bioscience

Scientists are trying to bring mammoth species back to life

an act Jurassic Park Is it a step closer to becoming a reality? While there is no way to return dinosaurs to Earth, scientists are working on a closer possibility: Mammoths are born . A group of researchers is working to revive this species soon.

It is called the process of bringing an extinct animal back to life, or creating creatures that closely resemble it “De-extinction.” Although this is common in science fiction, it has now become closer to reality with the discovery of frozen chromosomes in Siberia. Mammoth He died 52 thousand years ago.

Company Phenomenal biological science He loved this discovery and intends to bring back the mammoth by 2028 at the latest! This method can even be applied later to create new humans.

The first mammoth

Although scientists want to create Mammoth Complete, they will likely start the process with a hybrid. The animal must be part elephant and part mammoth. The idea is to make genetic combinations similar to cloning, but with the DNA mixed in.

Then, by understanding DNA and how it behaves and is structured, species will be “filtered” further and further.

Other animals can rebound

the site Live sciences He was interviewed Bin Lam the CEO of a company that wants to revive the mammoth. He said that De-extinction It is “closer than people realize” and that “it is very likely that other extinct species will return to life before they appear.” “Mammoth.”

There are other companies involved in this “extinction” like Phenomenal biological science from the United States of America. On the website, scientists announce that they are actively trying to breed three extinct animals:

  • Woolly mammoth It became extinct 4 thousand years ago;
  • tasmanian tiger, Extinguished in 1936;
  • dodo, It became extinct in 1681.
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the Taurus Foundation another company, wants to return veins, A species of primitive cattle that became extinct in 1627 in Poland. The idea is to reconstruct DNA using the genome of cattle that live today in Europe.