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Scientists in the UK are rejuvenating women's skin in 30 years

Scientists in the UK are rejuvenating women’s skin in 30 years


04/10/2022 15:21:01

Of minute reading

Scientists in the United Kingdom have for the first time rejuvenated the skin cells of a 53-year-old woman in 30 years. The information comes from Estado.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge believe that with the same technique, the same results can be achieved in other tissues of the body to prevent and treat age-related diseases such as neurological and cardiovascular problems.

The study, published Friday (8) in the scientific journal eLife, features the same cellular reprogramming technique used to create cloned sheep dolly in the 1990s.

With this technique, the researchers were able to get the patient’s skin cells back to the look and function she had when she was 23 years old.

Illustration of UK scientists film rejuvenating women's skin in 30 years

Illustration of an elderly person.

Photo: Breeding

This research, which is still in its infancy, promises to revolutionize regenerative medicine. “We can identify specific genes that regenerate without replicating the cell,” said Wolf Reich, the study’s lead author.

For now, this technique cannot be clinically tested because it increases the risk of cancer. But according to scientists, with the advancement of technology, it can be used to provide a higher quality of life for the elderly.