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Scientifically proven method of making tastier coffee

Scientifically proven method of making tastier coffee

A University of Oregon study investigated whether the technique of hydrating coffee beans before grinding — already popular among enthusiasts — results in a tastier beverage. The answer was positive: the method is effective!

The results of the research were published in the scientific journal Theme.

Why does steeping coffee beans improve the flavor of the drink?

  • The improvement in coffee flavor with wet beans is associated with static electricity.
  • The friction between the grains while grinding them is responsible for generating this type of energy.
  • By wetting the grains with a little water, it is possible to reduce this static electricity.
  • This prevents the grains from sticking together or being thrown out of the grinder.
  • Furthermore, water can extract more flavor from the wet powder, enhancing the taste.
  • According to the researchers, this approach makes the grinding process slower, but results in a consistent and delicious drink.
Image: matter

Types of grains

The research team conducted the study using different types of coffee beans, both from commercial sources and those roasted in the laboratory. They vary in origin, roasting time and moisture content.

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Experiments revealed that drier, darker coffee beans were more likely to clump during grinding than lighter beans. Researchers believe this happens because dark beans break more easily, while lightly roasted beans retain more moisture, and do not have the same effect.

What is the ideal amount of water for good coffee?

Christopher Hendon, a materials chemist at the University of Oregon and one of the study's authors, said: new world Ideally, add about 20 microliters of water per gram of coffee to improve flavour.

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Although more testing is still needed to understand the effects of water on different types of grinders and preparation methods, the conclusion is the same:

A few simple jets of water solve the problems of clumping, clumping and poor extraction, while contributing to the quest for the best-tasting espresso.

Christopher Hendon for New Scientist

Scientists believe that these discoveries could be useful in other geophysical studies, and could serve as a basis for studying everything from landslides to volcanic eruptions or the process of water seeping into the soil.