This event was an opportunity for students to showcase the work they have developed in their schools. The five pilot...
It is estimated that about 50% of men over the age of 50 will have some degree of benign prostatic...
A new exhibition at the Alfonso Povero Museum of Human Anatomy (MAH), affiliated with the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB)...
São Paulo - Universities, government institutions that promote research, employees and the scientific community are protesting Governor Romeo Zema's (Novo)...
Study says 1 in 3 asteroid dust wiped out dinosaurs - Image: Corbin Rainbolt/Scientific Reports Study says asteroid dust decimated...
The values of all expenses will be approved on Tuesday the 31st by participating in, for example, consultations and examinations,...
Three teams made up of students and professors from the campus presented their work at the event Last update: 10/30/2023...
We've all faced this dilemma: Do we relax in this position? CouchWhen sleep attacks us. an idea Skip brushing your...
Have you ever stopped to think about the impact your food choices have on the health of this vital organ?...
Illustrative image, There's a group of dwarf blue whales in the Indian Ocean that human eyes have never seen before...