The Amapa government's project has received approval to join the UNESCO Decade of the OceansThe Observatório Popular do Mar program...
In 2022, I organized a panel discussion to discuss this topic during the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, with the...
A group of researchers has found a formerly silent black hole sobbing in a distant galaxy. The observations ended up...
Sectet highlights that the activities encourage and improve students in their technical education career journey Written by Lillian Guedes (SECTET)...
Have you ever wondered how much the Earth weighs? The answer, according to scientists, is: It depends on the force...
New and strong Scanner device able to provide High resolution images of the human brain, in a way never seen...
The meeting will be held from 2 pm, in the Capo Almi meeting room, in Casa de Lys (Photo: Wagner...
Surely you know someone who only works after having a good cup of coffee, or wakes up in a bad...
Bosque da Ciência turns 29 years old on the first Monday of this year and is located at the National...
The new Portuguese government, which takes office on Tuesday (2), will merge the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with...