Exclusive to AH, neuroscientist Fabiano de Abreu explains acoustic genetics and how it can control behavior by stimulating a specific...
Raise the PT (PT) to the STF (Supreme Federal Court) A Action In exchange for the emergency reserve of more...
The Agricultural Defense Agency of Barra (Adepara) is participating in the state's Environment Week web event: Pathways for the Conservation...
What makes some deny the progress of science and despise the technological community?It has become fashionable these days to associate...
Health Minister, Marcelo Quiroga, during the CPI of Covid - Jefferson Rudy/Ag. Senate Minister of Health Marcelo Quiroga, will testify...
On June 28, 29 and 30, the Department of Science, Technology, Higher Education, Vocational and Technological (Sectet) is promoting State...
The possibility that the outbreak may have started to evade the Wuhan Institute of Virology is attracting new attention. President...
Problem proposed by Bruno Holland and Samuel Vitosa The numbers 1,2,3, ..., 1000 are written on the board. Two players...
Santa Barbara Unimed loaned seven hospital beds; This brings the general family designated for coronaviruses to 108 families by Marina...
Woman recovers wallet lost 46 years ago in California - Pixbay Woman recovers wallet lost 46 years ago in CaliforniaBixby...