Written by Vitoria Berry On Friday, April 16th, Dr. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Ribeirao Preto (FCFRP) of the University...
04/14/2021 | 13h 06 D. According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency associated...
Doubts and insecurity related to the pandemic have affected the mental health of thousands of Brazilians. The signs for a...
The state government, through the Public Supervisory Authority for Science, Technology and Higher Education, announced on Tuesday (13) the result...
details Created on Tuesday 13 April 2021 07:45 AM Unimed Cascavel achieved again the highest score in the Complementary Health...
(Archived) Health professionals help COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit at Das Clinicas Hospital in San Lorenzo, Paraguay, on...
This Monday (12), influenza vaccination begins in Barbacina, and in all Brazilian cities. Influenza is a virus associated primarily with...
"One of the painful things of our time is that those who feel certain are stupid, and those who have...
04/11/2021 19:46 • Updated 04/11/2021 19:54 Involved https://www.meionorte.com/blogs/primeiramao/florentino-anuncia-reabertura-de-hospital-com-30-leitos-amanha-354688 Trumps Involved Written by Arematia CarvalloThe Minister of Health, Florentino Neto, announced...