The Economy Ministry lost an arm-wrestling match with members of the National Fund for the Development of Science and Technology...
The SESAU (Cascavel Health Secretariat) team has released updated figures on family occupancy in UPAs (Emergency Care Units) and Rearguarda...
“This has always been a feature of Brazilian research, always being able to produce with a little. And also with...
A small lizard was buried in this 99 million-year-old amberFoto: Adolf Peretti / Handout / Peretti Museum Foudation / Current...
The University of Aveiro (UA) has signed a protocol under which the Sousa/Porto Santo Line Group will support eight science...
Bringing information about science and biodiversity to more people, as well as promoting opportunities for students, researchers, and institutions in...
house, house > flag > The researcher says science needs to look more at women who travel alone Traveling as...
The city opened an investigation to investigate the case based on Audios that will reveal the negotiations of values. (listen...
In this episode of Knowledge is everything Let's talk about an app 4.0 Techniques in Agribusiness. The concept of "4.0"...
Are we born able to infer feelings in others, or do we learn throughout life? | Pixabay Ugly face, good...