15 students and 11 students High school 10 Italian cities (Genoa, Florence, Milan, Moliano Veneto, Naples, Pisa, Potenza, Rome, Schio,...
Pavia. Science remains the only winning strategy against epidemics. And I'm not just referring to who Covid is." In a...
The Commission Radio Science It was shared by Edifran Rodrigues Pereira, Professor of Applied Mathematics who explains how to use...
Photo: Disclosure of science and technology All these interventions will contribute to providing a better service to the population The...
A man holds a poster that reads "shame pass" during a protest against a health passport in France - AFP...
With the “Feast of Science” the science festival in Grottavrata was interrupted (September 10-11-12)
Three days, from 10 to 12 September, filled with labs, hands-on experiments, astronomical observations, games and activities from researchers and...
+ Compared to other variants, the delta variant does not cause more severe cases than covid-19 in children. On Friday...
State-owned Roscosmos has announced that Russian cosmonauts have completed their planned 49th spacewalk (EVK-49) to integrate the Nauka Multifunctional Laboratory...
The state health department on Friday confirmed 3 new cases of the delta variant in Londrina. According to the information,...
Disclosure of the super salaries of 100 health workers who earn more than 70,000 Brazilian reais, with fake shifts ,...