Behaviors such as postponing tasks, decisions, and even house cleaning, if done frequently, can indicate the habit of wanting to...
Do you like being alone? Science thinks this is a sign of intelligence – small business big business
+ It's normal to think that people who are more social are happier, after all, being surrounded by friends, having...
You may have heard that you need to soak beans in water before putting them in pressure cooking. The problem...
Photo: World Health Organization (disclosure)Last Friday (26th), it was confirmed Positive diagnosis of monkeypox patient (monkeypox) in Santa Maria. The...
We cannot always eat a lot, but our body constantly needs energy. Therefore, it is important to know what files...
Calcium is a very important mineral for human growth that cannot be neglected. Responsible for maintaining teeth and bones, they...
The ward will have 30 beds for patients (Photo: Publicity - DP) Since Wednesday (24), 30 beds have been put...
Friday marked a lot of fun at Cine Teatro 'Dr. Aloysio Rebelo de AraujoWith the aim of teaching and educating...
Samples drilled by NASA's Perseverance spacecraft on Mars reveal the geology of a crater that scientists believe may have harbored...