Latest Epidemiological Bulletin Arboviruses From the list of the Department of Health Recife (Siesau) 14 live from the city with...
Leticia CazariAnd the Giuliano Cazar's wifethe use of social media and Followers update on the health status of their youngest...
With winds exceeding 200 km/h, Hurricane Ian recently hit Cuba and is heading toward Florida, where it is expected to...
The event takes place over three days and involves students and professors from four other technical colleges: Adamantina, Baixada Santista,...
This week, São Roque is hosting the third Science and Technology Fair, an event organized by the Ministry of Education...
Health professionals have always been very important to the entire population. However, many people may have realized the importance of...
for every article published 09/26/2022 The second case of monkeypox was confirmed in Lajedo on Monday, 26/09. The case was...
The Pulizter Center for Crisis Reporting is promoting a virtual meeting September 29 on the challenges of scientific disinformation and...
dailyDenise Savi says family and friends should be present in their lives to avoid diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression,...
Its roots can be found in the last millennium. It must be considered the result of a very long gestation...