By: Junior Matos / Allez News Agency
Stimulate the vision and importance of the female role in science. It is with this in mind that in 2016 the United Nations established the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is celebrated on February 11th. Science exerts such a great influence on our daily lives that it is difficult to imagine what the present world would be like without its contribution over time.
In March this year, when International Women’s Day is celebrated, the news agency and Alice TV have prepared special articles on the topic of women. In today’s article, we highlight women’s participation in one of the most important areas of development: science.
History record that file women in science Always on the sidelines, it was the most famous work by male scientists around the world. However, with a step back in history it is possible to realize that although they were encouraged not to occupy these places, women did take an active part in science, being responsible for great discoveries.
An example of such names is Marie Curie (a physicist who researched radioactivity); Rosalinda Franklin (a chemist who contributed to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, metallic coal and graphite); Nettie Stevens (biologist and geneticist) is among the other women who have made history in science.
In the Legislative Assembly, Physician and State Representative Dr. Lydian Lucena (Republican) stated that women’s participation in science brings different and unique perspectives to scientific research. “Women bring their own experiences and perspectives to the table, which can help address scientific issues in a more comprehensive and complete way,” he says.
For a parliamentarian, highlighting this agenda is very relevant. “It can inspire other women and girls to pursue careers in science and help break down gender stereotypes about who can become a scientist.”
According to data released in the most recent report by UNESCO, an agency of the United Nations (UN), women represent only 28% of the world’s researchers and the difference is further exacerbated by management. According to the agency, this percentage is due to several factors: Difficulty in accessing investments. Networking examines the issue of ethnicity, class, and gender.
Gender inequality in the scientific field is greater when the job grade is moved up. In the exact sciences, the disparity increases: less than 20% in undergraduates and 5% in PhDs, according to Elsevier’s report, “A Researcher’s Journey from a Gender Perspective.” This data reinforces the need for public policies and partnerships with universities that encourage women and girls in research.
despite the number, in Brazil, Women make up the majority in the fields of dentistry (52.4%), immunology and microbiology (57.7%), medicine (52.7%), neuroscience (54.3%), nursing (73%), and pharmacology (57.6%). This statistic was presented in the report “The Researcher’s Journey from a Gender Perspective”, a survey conducted in 2020.
Sergipe’s Women in Science
For the United Nations, science and gender equality are vital to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Congresswoman Linda Brazil (PSOL), in a recent speech at the podium of the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe (ALEZ), congratulated Sergipe Anita de Souza Silva, who graduated in medicine Veterinarian from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and Amanda Guimarães Melo, a graduate in Mathematics from the University of São Paulo (USP) who won the 4th Carolina Buri Prize for Science and Women, Girls in Science edition.
“The award was awarded by the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science, which recognized the talents of Amanda for her work “Partial Logistics Equation” and Anita, for her work on “Diagnosing Visceral Leishmaniasis in Dogs and Perception of Dog and Cat Educators About the Disease,” Congresswoman Linda Brazil highlighted.
Photo: USP
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