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Science, the secret of immortality, is now possible: see how

Science, the secret of immortality, is now possible: see how

It can turn into the discovery of the century and all thanks to the animals that frighten, but it can give us a dream

to be or not to be. Good. But to become everlasting It’s another story entirely. It’s the dream, the legend, that Sciences I was always persecuted. Now, after a few years of studying, something is going on. And all this comes from an animal that inspires fear and dread, but can be a real lifesaver. But let’s go in order. It is quite clear that the sites reduce Similar in winter they’re from It seems to have an active effect“, He said Wilkinson. “Many of the genes closest to it are known to be involved in metabolic regulation, so it is assumed that they keep the metabolic rate low.Some of these genes are similar Wilkinson Other researchers have identified them aslongevity genesIn a previous study.

A group of bats resting (Ansa photo)

Wilkinson Significant overlap between hibernation genes and longevity genes has been reported, illustrating the relationship between hibernation and longer life. Studies like this help explain why bats exist They have Longer life than expected A small mammal the size of a mouse. However, they also raise new questions. “We still don’t have a good understanding of why some bats can live so long and others can’t.“, He said Wilkinson. In fact, the researcher plans a follow-up study to compare epigenetic aging in large brown bats in CanadaThat hibernate, with the same species in Florida, where hibernation is not set. By doing so, Wilkinson hopes to get a clearer picture of the role that hibernation plays. Extended life.

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In the DNA of bats is the secret of life

Some labs where the association between bats and age has been studied (Ansa photo)

The most common bat in the United States, the great brown bat, has an unusually long lifespan of up to 19 years. A new study by researchers at the University of Maryland identifies one of the secrets to this bat’s exceptional longevity: hibernation. “Hibernation allowed bats, and possibly other animals, to remain in northern or southern regions where there is no food in the winter.”The study’s senior author said, Gerald Wilkinson is Professor of Biology at the University of Maryland. “a People who hibernate tend to live longer. of immigrants. We knew, but we didn’t know if we would detect epigenetic changes in lifespan due to hibernationThe researchers decided thatHibernation During winter, the epigenetic clock of the great brown bat, a vital sign of aging, expands three-quarters of the year.

The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Biological Society B Sciences It also included scholars MMaster’s University C Based onUniversity of Waterloo, the two in Ontario, Canada. To find out, the researchers analyzed small tissue samples taken from the wings of 20 large brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) during two periods: in winter, when they are hibernating, and in summer, when they are active. The lifespan of the bats, which were kept in a research colony at McMaster University, ranged from less than a year to just over 10 years. After collecting the samples, the researchers measured changes in DNA methylation, a biological process associated with it. genetic regulationAmong samples taken from the same animal During periods of activity and hibernation. They found that changes in methylation DNA It happened in some places bat genome These sites appear to influence metabolism during hibernation

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