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Science doesn’t explain: Rare primates caught punching their nose with a giant finger – News

Science doesn’t explain: Rare primates caught punching their nose with a giant finger – News

Although considered the largest nocturnal lemur in the world, it is rarely seen by humans amid the forests of Madagascar, Africa. However, in Rare record of species (daubentonia madagascariensis), the animal ended up being caught digging into the nostril, with one of the six fingers on each back paw.

In this case, use the largest, which can reach 8 cm in length. Until then, researchers believed that the function of the elongated tip was to remove the larvae from the tree trunks. But the “salon cleaning” mentioned above should change that perspective.

According to an article published in the Academic Journal of Zoology, an expert CT scan showed that the finger in question would be large enough to reach the back of the eye’s throat.

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“Putting the entire third finger on your nose is impressive,” said Anne-Claire Faber, curator of mammals at the Museum of Natural History in Bern and one of the study’s authors. “I was trying to figure out where [o dedo] He was going, which helped inspire this article.”

Imagine, because the explanation is not yet possible for scientists. The most accepted hypothesis so far is that lemur Do work to remove the larvae or what’s left of them from the accessed area.

However, as the Daily Star reports, the curator of mammals at the Natural History Museum in London, Roberto Portela Migues, explained that nose-sucking is a behavior that is only reported in primate species, due to the high level of skill they have with the animals. fingers. “phenomenon that occur between us and closely related species,” the specialist noted.

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The seal is found below with the eel stuck in its nose. Check it out below!