On the one hand, the field of methodology is just that, in the humanities [Administração, Jornalismo, Sociologia, Ciência Política, Antropologia, Economia, Direito…] The subject of study is in the public domain and always will be. When talking about society, politics, power, social institutions, and public administration… Everyone has a position, opinion, and saying.
And this is where the field of study of the humanities forms. It is foolish to think that everything is given and recreated by the behavior of people as witnesses of the really real truth. Or the fact that “this is my opinion” can sum up a compendium of knowledge. On the contrary, this is the point of knowledge of the humanities. Opinions are, properly speaking, the aim of knowing the existential relations of facts and chains of facts.
It is evident that all those who comment, write, and position themselves as objects of everyday life must be considered very important inasmuch as they represent phenomenology. As if they were parts of the body that were studied in the laboratory. Exhumations are done with methods and techniques that translate clues into ideas. In public opinion, it is thought that determines the truth, the causes of the truth. As a “factory” of personal truth, the conclusion has already been made and the truth will, of necessity, serve to construct the personal desire. “This is my opinion,” few know. People’s behaviour, relationships and ways of observing the world and life are things to be studied.
To be preoccupied with science, with studies, with ideas, with tested arguments, with readings… is to turn away from opinionated conclusions and search for safe paths of thought, already traversed and refined into theories. Opinião is a character placement adventure played out in the hallway of one’s home. It’s like taking a picture at the foot of the Eiffel Tower to say you’re a Parisian or a connoisseur of France. Knowledge is a beautiful adventure, to move away from the personal, the individual, the critical, to move away from certainty and to seek support in the pillars that can guarantee the construction of the idea. The opinion is subjective, and the argument is broadly constructive. Methodology requires, needs, and adheres to… dealing with knowledge by letting go of personal opinions, judgments, and beliefs about truth, in exchange for analyzes, interpretations, or understandings supported by theories [TEO] And to support factual evidence.
With immense unhappiness we note the passing away of the humanities as a primary field of training for the professionals and scholars who make an effort in the universities in general. Sociology, Philosophy and Political Science are daring in the accelerated training of graduates of first-degree courses. The workforce for citizenship comes from the humanities.
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