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Science Backs Yoga’s Benefits for Women Who Want to Live Longer

Science Backs Yoga’s Benefits for Women Who Want to Live Longer

It is persistence that helps in achieving goals.

July 23
– 7:49 PM

(Updated 07/26/2024 at 9:10 PM)

Yoga for Women and Longevity

Yoga for Women and Longevity

Image: Shutterstock/Sports Life

Are you another person who has tried different methods to keep calm, failed and then treated it as a lost cause? The solution might be to practice yoga! Find the angle that you consider ideal and buy a mat for the first sessions! Moreover, science has recently confirmed yoga for women and longevity.

Benefits of yoga for women and longevity

The study, conducted in The Journal of the Menopause Society, looked at the effects of mind-body exercise programs, such as yoga, during perimenopause and postmenopause, using 11 randomized controlled trials with a total of 1,005 participants.

Many women face problems such as accelerated bone loss, which can lead to osteoporosis. The benefits of exercise are attributed to the stress exerted by skeletal muscles, which regulate bone density.

Another point is that this research indicated that yoga can increase levels of melatonin, an important hormone for sleep, and levels of GABA in the brain, a neurotransmitter that improves sleep patterns.

Experiment report

“Practicing yoga has made a huge difference in my quality of life, particularly in expanding my self-knowledge and self-control,” concluded 73-year-old Eliane Frossard. “The classes are real experiences and provide learning that extends to life in its many facets.”

Other Benefits of Yoga for Women

Ana Carolina Matos, physical education expert at Total Pass, pointed out that there are several types of exercises to try to reap the benefits that regular exercise can bring to health.

“Yoga is a practice that seeks to involve breathing, meditation and body control. There are different types of yoga, some focusing more on relaxation and stretching and others on balance and strength,” Anna Carolina explained.

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