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Science and Technology publishes approved registrations in the Teresópolis Technology-Based Project Promotion Notice

Science and Technology publishes approved registrations in the Teresópolis Technology-Based Project Promotion Notice

The municipality’s Department of Science and Technology published, Monday, 11, in the Official Electronic Gazette (https://atos.teresopolis.rj.gov.br/diario/#/diario/447) List of approved inscriptions in the Teresópolis Technology-Based Project Development Notice. The selected entries are eligible for project analysis and evaluation procedures by the evaluation committee. Mayor Vinicius Clausen launched the public call in November 2021, anticipating investments of R$195,000 to support and promote 45 projects to promote entrepreneurship in technology innovation in Teresopolis.

29 engravings are approved by individuals and 19 legal entities, covering various topics, within what is provided in the general notice, such as tourism and sustainability; Psychological intervention in schools. Beginner Financial Education Metaverse; sustainable community garden; An incentive to grow organic matter. agrometeorological monitoring system; Virtual Tourism, Weekend, Cultural Attitude Project, Citizen Science.


General Appeal No. 001/2021 – The Public Notice for the Promotion of Technology-Based Enterprises lists the procedures for presentation, analysis, selection and economic and financial support for innovative technology-based entrepreneurs that propose solving problems in the areas of agriculture, education, tourism and digital government, as long as they are in line with one of the 17 United Nations goals. for sustainable development.

Selection of proposals

The Administrative Committee for Innovation Procedures, an instrument provided for in Municipal Law No. 4014, of July 2, 2021, also on this Monday 11, by decree, appointed the Evaluation Committee of this Public Notice to evaluate and make judgments on projects (https://atos.teresopolis.rj.gov.br/diario/#/diario/447), in addition to choosing which offers will receive support, assigning values ​​to each item for the overall rating of offers. The evaluation committee will conduct the evaluation, as well as select the projects/ideas that will receive support, allocating values ​​to each item for overall rating.

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The classified advertisements for the interview stage resulting from the public notice will be published in the Official Electronic Gazette of the Municipality of Teresopolis and on the website https://teresopolis.rj.gov.br/inovatere/as well as on other official channels of the Teresopolis Prefecture, until 02/05/2022.

The project/idea contemplated must be developed with financial resources from this public notice for a period of 12 (twelve) months, starting from receipt.


Activities course time
Registration period 10/01 to 03/11/2022
Publish approved recordings 04/11/2022
Receipt of resources 04/11 to 04/15/2022
Resource results 25/04/2022
Project evaluation 04/25 to 04/29/2022
Disclosure of who has been selected for the interview / pitch 02/05/2022
interviewing 05/09 / to 05/13/2022
Disclosure of results 05/20/2022
Innova day 05/28/2022