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Science and Technology: Fundao Araucria promotes the Brazil-China Forum next week

Science and Technology: Fundao Araucria promotes the Brazil-China Forum next week

With the aim of establishing partnerships and cooperation between Brazil and China, the Araucária Foundation will promote an online forum focusing on science, technology and innovation in both countries, from September 13-17.

The topics discussed will be agriculture and water, advanced medical treatment, digital health, sustainable energy and innovation, genomics and genetic engineering.

The current global technological competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the continuous reform and establishment of this field makes Brazil and China have to develop measures to promote science, technology and innovation in both countries. To achieve a mutually developed situation, countries need to prioritize communication in green technology, smart city, healthcare technology and open new channels of cooperation.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China, the bilateral political, economic and trade relations have developed rapidly, so the Forum is a way to continue and strengthen these partnerships.

Applications can be submitted until Friday (10) and at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5RhvvIVQS92TLbj5ZMfHEA

Places are limited.

For table details click here

The organizations that organize and support the event are:

  • New Technology Development Center – Cast.
  • Chinese Sports Association
  • Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC).
  • Chinese Society for Computational Mathematics.
  • National Council of State Institutions for Research Support (Confap).
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
  • International Cooperation Bureau, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
  • Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Federative Republic of Brazil.
  • Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of.
  • Technology Transfer Center – BRICS
  • International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN).
  • International Science Organization Alliance (ANSO).
  • Education and Science Bureau, Songshan Lake Administrative Committee.
  • Dongguan University of Technology.
  • West China Hospital, Sichuan University.
  • Dongguan South China Institute of Design Innovation.
  • Innovation Diplomacy (PDI) program in my country.
  • Network for International Cooperation in Technology Marketing (NICTC).
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