Health research represents 30% of national scientific production
WWith the aim of promoting discussion among managers and specialist researchers to define the priorities and guidelines that will shape the next public call for research from the research program of the Unified Health System (SUS): Shared Health Governance (PPSUS). The Scientific Business and Research Development Support Foundation (FAPERO), in collaboration with the State Ministry of Health (SISAO), coordinated by the Science and Technology Division of the Department of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs of the Ministry of Health (Decit/ SCTIE/MS) is holding on Monday (3) another edition of the workshop Health Research Priorities of SUS (PPSUS). hypothetical.
PPSUS is an initiative to decentralize the promotion of health research and promote scientific and technological development in the federal units (UFs) of Brazil. Its goal is to meet the specificities and characteristics of each region and contribute to reducing inequality between regions. Coordinated at the national level by the Ministry of Health, the program has a partnership with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Research Support Institutions (FAPs), as well as the Ministries of Health (SES) and Science and Technology (SES Sect).
According to researcher Yasmine Ferjani, who works in the Research Support Department at Fabero, this is the research program of SUS that allocates public resources to conduct research in the scientific field of public health services. He stressed, “This is the moment when we discuss with universities and other educational and research institutions, through their researchers, what public health service priorities should be studied.”
The PPSUS phases will take place virtually, and is expected to be consolidated in the first half of 2024, including the publication of public appeals. It is expected that this edition will enhance not only health research, but also the competitiveness of local researchers at the national level.
PPSUS is an initiative to advance public health research
Coordinated by the Department of Health, through the Science and Technology Division of the Secretariat for Science, Technology and Strategic Input (Decit/SCTIE), PPSUS has federal partnerships, including CNPq, and state partnerships, including research support institutions, and State Ministries of Health, Science and Technology (SECT).
Health research represents 30% of national scientific production. However, there is a significant concentration of doctors, masters and research institutions in the southeastern and southern regions of the country. This disparity is also reflected in insufficient investments in research, especially in less developed regions.
In this context, the goals of PPSUS are clear: to fund research on priority topics for the health of Brazilian populations, strengthen local health, science and technology systems, reduce regional inequality and promote equity.
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