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Sasha Minguel reveals he was seriously depressed after the attacks and reports on overcoming: ‘A great support network’

Sasha Minguel reveals he was seriously depressed after the attacks and reports on overcoming: ‘A great support network’


The model said she was seriously disturbed by the attacks and criticism she received for her appearance

Welcome: Sasha reveals the chaos after the overpowered attacks and reports: "Strengthening the communication network" .  Photo: PodDelas Reproduction Podcast.
Welcome: Sasha reveals the chaos after the attacks and reports of Overrun: The Support Network. Photo: PodDelas Reproduction Podcast.

Daughter of presenter Xuxa Meneghel, Sasha opened her heart and made a surprising discovery about the health issues she had to contend with as a teenager. The model said that she was seriously disturbed by the attacks and criticism she received because of her appearance and mentioned how she managed to overcome the trauma.

These statements came during his participation in PodDelas, which was published on Thursday (9), on YouTube. She talked about the struggle she had battling bulimia as a pre-teen. The disorder could have stemmed from trauma when she encountered negative comments about her appearance shortly after she first hit the internet.

Welcome: Sasha reveals the chaos after the attacks and reports of Overrun: The Support Network. Image: Reproduction / Official Instagram Stories of the model.

“There was a time in my life, I was about 12 or 13, when I started going online, and I was going to look up ‘Sasha,’ to see what people were saying about me. Cheek, I have a square face, so it was one of the comments that stuck in my head a lot when They called me Trakeenas Face.I breathed.

Sasha confirmed that at that moment she began to suffer from the disease: “At that age, I had bulimia and never told anyone about it. Because I didn’t really know how to deal with it. (…) I made this comment, but there were many. I chose to focus on the negative for many years of my life. I had a very big welcome. It was really a great support network, of the people who explained it to me.”complete the famous.

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Thais Fonseca, 43, from Pernambuco, Recife, Rio de Janeiro by chance. In Rio de Janeiro – RJ I am passionate about journalism and good information. I got out of the ’80s, but the ’80s didn’t get out of me, and since that time pop music is what I love. Cyndi Lauper is my singer. She has worked as a press officer in the public and private sectors, as a police reporter for Jornal Povo do Rio, editor for the Favelas News Agency (ANF). I found myself in Bolavip Brasil as an entertainment writer.