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Sabrina Sato rips out Anna Maria Braga’s shocking secret live: ‘Who never happened?’

Sabrina Sato rips out Anna Maria Braga’s shocking secret live: ‘Who never happened?’

Sabrina Sato rips out Ana Maria Braga’s secret in “Mais VocĂȘ” leaving viewers amazed

This Tuesday morning (7) Presented Sabrina Sato He ended up pulling an unexpected secret from the presenter as well Anna Maria Braga during the More than you.

Today’s guest ended up taking over the interview and finding out that the morning leader had already introduced the hangover program after spending a night at the club.

Are you back from the club?‘, asked the wife Duda Nagel. Then the journalist asserted:Of course already! Who does not?“.

.’s mother zoeThen he continued:Have you ever had a ghost?The blonde confirmed with a laugh:Like every human being… after all these years it’s in the air. Only 23 years old at Globo. outside the other piece. When you say “It’s ruined, it won’t work”…then what do you do? Make up increases“.

Blonde Shocked by the veteran’s revelation. “Oh, from heaven! I am Maria!?‘ Release the pet.

The revelation reverberated among fans on social media. “Who am I not to do the same?“One fan joked.”people like usAnother commented. A third commented:who never?“.

a look:

free gift

Presenter Sabrina Sato Win a gift this Tuesday (7) from Anna Maria Braga During “Moore You”. She was shocked by the treatment she received live.

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