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Sabrina Sato admits that she asks her ex-husband Joao Vicente for advice in the field of love

Sabrina Sato admits that she asks her ex-husband Joao Vicente for advice in the field of love

Joao Vicente de CastroThe actor and presenter at a press conference to promote the reality show Let lovewith Sabrina SatoHe admitted that he felt jealous of his ex-wife after she became a mother.

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“And I haven’t seen Sabrina, mom. Of course I knew, I saw a picture, it really hurt me. One time we were there and Zoe arrived. And I saw her as a mother! This is messing with my head!I confess.

But he did not hesitate to praise the broadcaster. “You see someone who is so successful and you watch her do it, it seems so easy. But when you see her working, which I’ve never seen before, you see someone who has so much talent, who really knows how to do it! She knows what’s going to work, and she has the smarts to look around.” “I was so proud!”-He’s hot.

Sabrina Sato He revealed that he is looking to his ex-girlfriend for love advice. “Joao is a true love counselor. He is very good at it. Even in the twenty years that we have known each other, and in the last ten years since we have been dating, you have always helped me and given me advice.And revealed.

Joao Vicente and Sabrina Sato. Photo: Victor Chapetta/Ag News
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