Influencers from Russia filmed videos of themselves cutting Chanel bags. The recordings were made in protest of the brand that halted operation in Russia and suspended the sale of products to people intending to use them within Russia.
The movement began with broadcasters Marina Ermishkina and Victoria Bonya, with 301,000 and 9.3 million followers on Instagram, respectively, and DJ Katya Guseva, with 587,000 followers on the network.
In the publication, Marina says that from now on, Russians who buy brand products outside Russia will have to sign a document ensuring that they are not used inside the country.
Chanel has confirmed to the BBC that it is complying with EU sanctions, which ban the sale of luxury goods worth more than 300 euros (about 1,550 Brazilian reais) to Russia, as well as the sale of products to individuals who intend to use them. them on Russian soil. The
Victoria, Marina and Katya, Russian influencers – Photo: Instagram / Instagram
According to the statement sent to the British network, the brand included a procedure to “require customers whose primary residence we do not know to confirm that the items they purchase will not be used in Russia.”
Marina is shown cutting a black bag holding large gardening shears. In the text, she also says: “Not a single bag, not a single thing is worthy of my love for my country, and not worthy of my respect for myself. I am against rosophobia, I am against a brand that supports russophobia.”
Victoria also cut her black Chanel bag as standard. He says, “If Casa Chanel does not respect its customers, why should we respect Casa Chanel?”
Katya says she has always dreamed of owning a branded bag and got the item last year. “Having learned about the brand’s policy towards Russians, I decided to remove these bags from my everyday life so that the situation would change and support the challenge of Marina Ermishkina!”
The brand complements the note to the BBC saying it is working to improve this approach and apologizing for the misunderstanding. “Welcoming all of our customers, no matter where they come from, is a priority for Chanel,” the statement read.
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