Since 2013, the medium-sized reconnaissance vessel Ivan Khurs has been protecting the gas pipelines of the pipelines, the ministry said in a statement posted on the Telegram network. Leave Stream that it blue currentwhich transports gas from Russia to Türkiye partly through the Black Sea.
“All enemy boats were destroyed by the standard armament fire of a Russian ship 140 kilometers northeast of the Bosphorus Strait.”according to the statement, which is accompanied by a video of an alleged attack and Russian gunfire.
“Ivan Khors carries out tasks that ensure the safety of gas pipeline operations Turkish Stream that it blue current In the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Türkiye.
“The ship of the Black Sea Fleet Ivan Khors continues its mission.”
The ministry cited the attack as a reason for expanding defensive measures.
Kyiv has not yet responded to these allegations.
Wednesday’s statement could raise tensions in the Black Sea, a transit point for ships carrying Ukrainian grain, under an international agreement allowing Kiev to export grain from its ports.
The deal was renewed for another two months on May 17, the day before it expired.
In March, two Russian fighter jets intercepted a US drone, causing it to crash in international waters, escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow.
In April 2022, Ukraine claimed to have sunk a Russian fleet ship in the Black Sea with missiles.
Last September, explosions destroyed gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 which carried gas from Russia to Germany across the Baltic Sea.
a Leave Stream The gas is transported from the Russian Taman Peninsula across the Black Sea to a point west of the Bosphorus. a blue currentcrossing the same sea, from north to south, to a point 700 km east of the Bosphorus Strait.
with lusa
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