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Run it’s over!  PIS/Pasep 2022 withdrawal ends in December

Run it’s over! PIS/Pasep 2022 withdrawal ends in December

more than 440 thousand workers Salary allowance can be withdrawn from Pis / Pasep Until December 29th. These figures were revealed by Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil, which are responsible for payments. Outgoing transfer refers to the base year of 2020.

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The amount each worker will receive depends on the months of activity in the base year. The minimum amount is R$101 for those who have worked for only one month and a maximum of R$1,212 for workers who have worked for 12 months.

PIS/Pasep for the 2020 base year

Pay Pis / Pasep It has been delayed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, many workers forget to keep track of transfer dates and may have amounts available without knowing it.

It is one of the justifications for the continued availability of funds in the final pay line. There are still more than R$364 million released for withdrawal in the 2020 base year.

Of the total number of people who can withdraw money, more than 123,000 workers receive PIS and 306,000 Pasep are for public servants.

According to data from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, about 5.5 million workers have already withdrawn the benefit. The amount represents more than 98% of those released PIS/Pasep.

Those who have not already withdrawn should pay attention to the 2020 PIS/Pasep deadline, which ends on December 29. After that, the money can only be transferred in the new transfer schedule, which will be released in 2023.

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To be entitled to PIS / Pasep, you must be an official worker, registered with PIS for at least 5 years and have a monthly salary of up to a minimum wage.

There are other requirements as well, such as working at least 30 days in the base year. The data also needs to be updated in the annual social information (Rais) list.

Those who still do not know if they have amounts to be received from PIS / Pasep can check the information by calling 158 or also using digital business card🇧🇷