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Rodrigo Cabello sees Botafogo and Cruzeiro as ‘interested in compulsory debt negotiation’ and does not believe in the arrival of foreign investors

Rodrigo Cabello sees Botafogo and Cruzeiro as ‘interested in compulsory debt negotiation’ and does not believe in the arrival of foreign investors

Botafogo NS Sea trip Gained a breath of hope last week, with the announcement of XP Investment As a partner in the search for revenue collection – especially from abroad – to become company club, where Anonymous Football Association. However, not everything is simple. In his column on “O Globo” Rodrigo CapelloA business professional talks about this.

Capello spoke to Pedro Mosque, of XP, which treats the topic as a “revolution in Brazilian football”. The idea is for clubs to have a new structure, and not just by their members.

– Part of the SAF capital will be sold to third parties. You could be a businessman who is tired of nepotism and wants to be an owner. Rich fan. It may be a farmer from Mato Grosso who wants to diversify his business. It can be foreign companies or funds that take a high risk to double their investments. XP prefers the latter – Capelo explained.

However, the journalist is suspicious of the arrival of outside investors.

I have no doubt that Botafogo and Cruzeiro will appreciate when they return to the First Division and get the finances in order. But why would a foreigner enter Brazil through such risky business? Why acquire clubs with billions of debt? Even after central negotiations, a tool created for the benefit of the SAF, the club companies will have to send a portion of their revenue to pay off the union’s debts. Why does the investor share control with the association (and its advisors)? As much as there is a promise of autonomy, political interference means taking risks – argued Capello, who also pointed to other factors of insecurity in Brazilian football, such as the absence of a club league, financial fair play to prevent inflation, lack of respect for contracts and laws, endemic corruption and interference by government associations.

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For a journalist, the choice of management change clubs has a specific motive.

Clubs – companies will exist, because Botafogo and Cruzeiro are interested in the forced renegotiation of debt. subject to another column. It may be that the beneficiaries are involved in the business. Perhaps a farmer from Mato Grosso was deceived by “national passion”. Foreign dollars and euros, I think only when they fall into the account – Completed.