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Rio municipalities unite to form a network of anti-racism cities

Rio municipalities unite to form a network of anti-racism cities

Today (20) an unprecedented agreement was signed by the city of Rio de Janeiro and 23 municipalities to create the Cities Against Racism Network. The Charter to Combat Racism and Promote Racial Equality has been prepared by the Secretariat for Government and Public Integrity, through Executive Coordination for the Promotion of Racial Equality (Cepir).

In addition to Rio, the municipalities of Niterói, Campos dos Goytacazes, Quissamã, Magé, Volta Redonda, Nova Iguaçu, Queimados, Arraial do Cabo, São Gonçalo, Petrópolis, Nilópolis, Japeri, Barra do Piraí, Três Rios and Coatis network participate. and Itaguaí, Barra Mansa, São João da Barra, Macaé, Paraty, Cabo Frio, Paty do Alferes, and also Salvador (BA), which will be responsible for implementing the agreement in their territories.

Among the actions planned are the strengthening of activities in support of culture, entertainment, education, science, sports, cultural and environmental heritage, as well as actions in the field of public health and safety in the signatory municipalities. The aim is to act as instruments of regional governance, with the aim of promoting regional development on the basis of a policy of racial equality.

integrated development

The Secretary for Government and Public Integrity, Tony Chaleta, stated that the charter and the network arose out of the need to promote racial equality policy in municipalities based on integrated regional development. “The initiative is based on the understanding that Rio de Janeiro has influence beyond its political-administrative boundaries, and therefore, it is important that it take the lead in promoting racial equality.”

Innovator of Actions and Executive Coordinator for the Promotion of Racial Equality, Jorge Freire, highlighted that “there must be effective expression between municipalities, with a focus on the Black Parties and the population, taking into account direct promotion and constitutional support Executive and advisory bodies for the development of public policies to promote racial equality and technical cooperation for projects and procedures.”

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The initiative is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The movement is organized into four guiding principles: integrated governance and regional development; education, research, development and innovation; combating racial inequality, racism and prejudice; Cultural heritage and the right to the city.

According to Jorge Freire, inter-institutional dialogue in an integrated and multi-level manner on anti-racism strategies is “the basis for actions to assess the traditions and culture of indigenous peoples of African descent and to implement public policies in cooperation, without additional costs to the municipal public administration”.