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Republicans are blocking a bill to cut the US government’s debt ceiling

Republicans are blocking a bill to cut the US government’s debt ceiling

Republican senators last night raised the debt ceiling and blocked a bill aimed at ousting the government. United States Work, but Democrats promise to try again this weekend.

According to international news outlets, there were 50 votes in favor and 48 against. However, to get approval, 60 votes were needed to stop the debt ceiling.

Regiment Maneuver

Taking advantage of the regiment, Senate Democrat majority leader Chuck Schumer changed his vote to “no” and allowed that size to return to the ground. According to him, a new initiative should take place this weekend in light of what he said would happen this week.

The next democratic effort in the United States is expected to take place by Thursday, the end of the fiscal year. The idea is to divide the debate and approve a bill To maintain funding for government activities Since Friday. With that, the discussion about Debt ceiling suspension Must stay in October.

The reason for the difference

The main difference between Democrats and Republicans is not about how the government works, but about the US $ 3.5 trillion budget proposal presented by the government for the next fiscal year.

Republicans are opposed to raising tax rates for big companies and fortunes.

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