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Renegotiation of credit card debt in Desenrola Brasil has already begun

Renegotiation of credit card debt in Desenrola Brasil has already begun

Find out how Desenrola Brasil helps consumers renegotiate credit card debt and regain their financial stability.

The debt renegotiation program, known as Desenrola Brasil, which was initially scheduled to run until December, brought good news for consumers.

Now the initiative has been extended, allowing those seeking solutions to their debts until March this year to benefit from its benefits.

Among the debts that can be renegotiated on special terms are those acquired through the use of a credit card.

Discover the benefits of renegotiating your credit card debt through Desenrola Brasil and leave the financial nightmare behind. (Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br)

Desenrola Brasil and the challenge of credit card debt

For many consumers, credit card debt can become a real nightmare. With bills piling up, your name being put on a delinquent list and your card cancelled, the situation can quickly become untenable. In this scenario Desenrola Brasil appears as a valuable alternative.

See also: Banco Itaú and negative statement for Brazilians who have a card

Expanding trading opportunities

Desenrola Brasil offers consumers the opportunity to negotiate a wide range of debts, which includes not only those related to credit cards, but also loans, financing, water, electricity, telephone bills, supermarket cards, credits in retail stores and other types of discount.

By accessing the Desenrola Brasil platform, consumers can access important information about their debts. This includes the original amount of debt and the updated amount with applicable discounts and available payment options. The alternatives offered to consumers are:

  • Pay in cash. In short, this option offers discounts of up to 90% on the original debt amount, providing a quick and economical solution for those who can pay off the debt in full.
  • installment. On the other hand, for those who prefer a more flexible approach, Desenrola Brasil allows installments to be repaid in up to 60 monthly installments, with a fixed interest rate of 1.99% per month. It is important to note that not all creditors offer an installment option.
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Facing the default

A survey conducted by the Locomotiva Institute revealed that 60% of Brazilians have credit cards as the main reason for defaulting. Therefore, the possibility of renegotiating these debts on more favorable terms is good news for many.

Negotiating for Desenrola Brasil

For those who want to negotiate their credit card debt through Desenrola Brasil, the process is simple and relatively safe. The following steps can be followed:

  1. First, go to the official Desenrola Brasil website (https://designrola.gov.br/home) and click on the “Enter using gov.br” option.
  2. Then log in using your CPF and password.
  3. The system will display all outstanding debts in your name with available payment options.
  4. Select the credit card debt you want to renegotiate and click the “Negotiate” option.
  5. Communicate how you intend to make the payment and follow the instructions to finalize the agreement.

Finally, remember that the deal will be confirmed after the first installment is paid, providing consumers with a valuable opportunity to relieve the burden of credit card debt and restore their financial health.

Therefore, make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to put your financial affairs in order and move towards a more stable financial future. Desenrola Brasil is here to help turn your debt nightmare into a path to financial stability.

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